Ideally you should taste our wines yourself and form your own opinion. If you are curious what the experts write about us, you will find some reports here. As a winery whose passion for Riesling is recognised worldwide, one of the main focuses is on the reviews in the international press and competitions.

Top Ratings in the wine guide Falstaff 2022
The rating for Domdechant wines started already with 89+ scores! Outstanding for a basic wine!
2020 Domdechant Werner Guts-Riesling trocken 89+/100
2020 Hochheimer Riesling Kabinett 90+/100
2020 Hochheimer Ortswein Riesling trocken 91/100
2020 Hochheimer Kirchenstück Riesling trocken VDP.Erste Lage 91/100
2020 Hochheimer Domdechaney Riesling trocken VDP.Erste Lage 93/100

Gold Medals at the Riesling du Monde, Strassbourg, France 2021
At the International wine competition in France we received the Gold medal for
2020 Hochheimer Riesling Classic

Wine Enthusiast Top 100 cellar selection
The American Wine Journal Wine Enthusiast has rated our vintage 2019:
2019 Kirchenstück Riesling trocken VDP.GG
was rated 95/100 and added on the list of Top 100 cellar selection of 2020. We are very proud!
Additional ratings:
2019 Hochheimer Riesling Kabinett 90/100
2019 Domdechant Werner Guts-Riesling trocken 91/100
2019 Hochheimer Kirchenstück Riesling trocken VDP.Erste Lage 93/100
2019 Hochheimer Domdechaney Riesling trocken VDP.Erste Lage 93/100
2019 Hochheimer Hölle Riesling Spätlese 93/100

Wine Spectator Ratings vintage 2019
Already our entrance level Riesling was highly rated
2019 Domdechant Werner Guts-Riesling trocken 88/100.
But this was not the end:
2019 Hochheimer Riesling Classic 90/100
2019 Hochheimer Kabinett fruchtig 90/100
2015 Hochheimer Domdechaney Riesling trocken VDP.Erste Lage 93/100. This wine was only bottled in summer 2020. Therefore it could mature for 5 years on the cask. An opulent and powerful wine!

International Wine Challenge London
Trohpy and gold medal for:
2019 Kirchenstück Riesling trocken VDP.GG
Gold medal for:
2015 Hochheimer Domdechaney Riesling trocken VDP.Erste Lage

Wine Spectator Ratings
The US journal Wine Spectator, important for the international wine scene, has evaluated some of our wines:
2018 Kirchenstück Riesling trocken VDP.Grosses Gewächs 92/100
2018 Hochheimer Dompräsenz Riesling trocken VDP.Erste Lage 91/100
2018 Hochheimer Kirchenstück Riesling trocken VDP.Erste Lage 91/100
2018 Domdechant Werner Guts-Riesling trocken 90/100
We are particular proud that our entrance level Guts-Riesling was already judged as an excellent wine.

Wine & Spirits Ratings
Wine & Spirits is another important magazine based in the US with worldwide relevance:
2016 Top 100 Wineries (worldwide)
2018 Domdechant Werner Riesling Kabinett trocken 92/100
2017 Kirchenstück Riesling trocken VDP.GG 92/100
2018 Hochheimer Kirchenstück Riesling trockenVDP. Erste Lage 93/100
2018 Hochheimer Dompräsenz Riesling trocken VDP.Erste Lage 94/100
2017 Domdechaney Riesling trocken VDP.GG 94/100

Wine Enthusiast Ratings
The Wine Enthusiast as the third American magazine completes our overview:
2017 Domdechaney Riesling trockenVDP.Großes Gewächs 95/100
2017 Kirchenstück Riesling trocken VDP.Großes Gewächs 94/100
2017 Hochheimer Domdechaney Riesling VDP.Erste Lage 94/100
2017 Hochheimer Kirchenstück Riesling VDP.Erste Lage 93/100
2018 Hochheimer Kirchenstück Riesling VDP.Erste Lage 92/100
2018 Hochheimer Dompräsenz Riesling VDP.Erste Lage 92/100
2018 Domdechant Werner Guts-Riesling trocken 90/100

International White Winemaker of the Year 2017
We were the first German winery ever to be named White Winemaker of the Year in 2017 at the International Wine Challenge in London. A great honour, which does not refer to a special wine, but to our collection of the last decades. This recognition is a motivation for us to continue to put our energy into the optimal quality of our wines.

Riesling du Monde, Straßburg
A competition specialized on Riesling in Strassburg, France:
2017 Kirchenstück Riesling trocken VDP.GG
2017 Hochheimer Domdechaney Riesling trocken VDP.Erste Lage
2018 Hochheimer Riesling Kabinett

Mundus Vini Nordic
This competition was newly created by Meininger Verlag for German wines in the Nordic countries:
We are proud to have achieved gold medals
Gold medal:
2018 Domdechant Werner Kabinett trocken
2017 Domdechaney Riesling trocken VDP.GG